Friday, June 13, 2014

We all want to relive our past, but sometimes the future calls. Since Feb things have been crazy. I have had to put my blogging on hold. Life comes at you fast. My daughter graduated college and is now preparing to start Graduate school...she is doing the fast one..get it done in a year! Good for her! I am so proud of her! We FINALLY made it through til Spring. The cold is gone, and I miss it! I cannot take the heat anymore since hitting menopause after my hysterectomy! I love the cool days and enjoy the cold ones even. Yeah, people say I'm crazy! :) Haha. My husband and I were quite busy while it was cold. We started cleaning out his Uncle's place of all the scrap metal,as well as hitting his mom's place. We made a bundle off it, and there is more to get but it will have to wait til this winter again. We made enough to pay our property taxes and some other things that always come up in life! Always surprises when you own property,cars, and a house! We were also busy this spring setting up at sales and selling antiques. We did quite well with this also. We will do it sparingly through the summer months, as it gets too hot to be set up outside. Some things we sell are in plastic and heat does not work well with that! There have already been some 90 degree days, and I stay inside as much as possible. We got our garden in earlier in the spring and now I am about ready to be overflowing with vegetables, so the canner will be coming up and those veggies will be put up! I am so ready to eat a good home grown tomato right now! Anything really! Cucumbers, squash,zucchini,okra,peppers,green beans,etc. My onion crop was pretty good. Radishes were good too ,but I let them go into seed early and didn't get them spaced out. I even have some wild pumpkins growing..they were in the compost pile and now are growing like crazy! Potatoes are growing all over the place too. They wont be ready to dig out until the end of August or so. With all the rain we have had I can't stay on top of the weeds! Even with raised beds you have to deal with weeds! Ugh! I have fallen behind with my crafting! I am trying to get into my craft room to get it straightened out and cleaned up! I found a lot of really good deals at some estate sales we have been to recently. There is a big auction we are planning to hit soon too. I know it will have a lot of goodies. if we can snatch them at good deals they will be resold. I certainly love to go antiquing! And I love decorating my house with them! Nothing is made these days like it was years ago! I would rather use anything from years ago! I love my vintage Pyrex bowls and casseroles! Everything tastes better coming out of vintage dishes! Talk about the past! Wow! People today are wasteful. We could learn a lot from our great grand parents! I did!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Winter Fun

With all the snow we received yesterday and today, it took me back to my youth. I can remember everywhere I lived that it was fun when it snowed. When we lived on Oak Grove Road, I can remember sledding down the street. And it night everyone would come out,block off the roads and build fires in cans. We would start out on Oak Grove and go down around the corner to Sharon. Sharon was a huge hill. Always lots of fun. When I lived on Eastwin, we had a huge hill in our back yard. And the road itself was great. My brother and I, along with all the neighborhood kids would walk up to the top of Eastwin almost. If it was a good snow we could start at the top and go all the way to the bottom of the road and turn onto Southwin. I remember the wind in my face and the swooshing sound of the sled, along with the screams of all the kids. Such fun! We always made snow cream,built snowmen, had snowball fights and built forts. Once it snowed so deep on Eastwin that we built a tunnel, and I remember my mom putting the snow cream and milk out there in it. We had lost our power.One Christmas in the 60's, I got my sled(that I still have) from my grandparents, and I got a wagon from Santa, and a hoppity-hop.. I took my hoppity hop out in the snow and the cold busted it. I cried!
This is a Hoppity Hop! Exactly like I had.
Here I am sitting on my sled and my food plate was in the wagon.. Christmas 1969. My Aunt and granddaddy are in the picture too.
It snowed that Christmas in '69. Here I am beside a tree that uprooted in our yard.
 In this picture is my Hoppity Hop . Santa brought it to me.

 Sledding on Oak Grove

This one above here is from 1970. Love my clothes! HAHA
I will have to go through my pictures and upload some snow ones from Eastwin and from Hickory Tree Road.
Good memories!
My dad would stay out of work if it was really bad and play with me in the snow when I was really young. I can remember him going out early on snow mornings and putting chains on the tires if he really HAD to get to work, which wasn't often when it snowed.That is what you did back then.

This picture from;postID=6740326849798171653 reminds me of my dad doing that. And he had a dark ,wool,long coat like that one and he had a green hat with a feather that he wore on snow days!
Those were the days!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Brakes on...back up!

I got ahead of myself yesterday! Talk about "yesterdays"!
I was about 4 months old in this picture.  so around Nov of '63.
and this one here is my FIRST Christmas. I got my Raggedy Ann doll. Yep, I still have her too! :) and she shows the wear on her! Her eye came off long ago and I lost it. It was a metal, black button one. You won't find those on dolls anymore! Child hazard! I think back in those days we knew better than to swallow things.(I did swallow a dime when I was little..on purpose too!).. maybe because our moms were home with it should be. Yeah, don't get me started on that. I'm old fashioned I guess. I think all moms should stay home with their kids until a certain age. I know, I KNOW...can't afford to do that these days..takes 2 incomes now. Don't I know it! And then you still don't have enough because everything is going up in price except our pay! My mom did work for awhile while I was little, but Dad was home with me. Before I was born mom worked at Bocock-Stroud. Then after I was born she worked at Robins at Thruway..I'm pretty sure it was Thruway..and not Parkway Plaza.I would love to find a picture of that store. Anyway...see the cardboard manger scene in the background? When I got older it was my job to set it up and put the pieces in their rightful slots. Here's the info about it.."Christmas Manger Set," USA, early 1940s. This cardboard tabletop Nativity was published by Concordia Publishing House from illustrations first produced by artist George Hinke. A base is provided with special tabs to hold the 17 lithographed figures upright; each tab is carefully labeled so that even a child can assemble it. Hinke was born in 1883 in Berlin, Germany, where he trained as a painter. He immigrated to the United States in 1923. Hinke specialized in religious subjects and nostalgic scenes of small-town American life. He is best remembered for his illustrations of children’s books such as Joseph’s Story, which tells the Nativity story from Joseph’s point of view, and Jolly Old Santa Claus. Collection of Glencairn Museum."  I guess it eventually got old and tore because I didn't find this when I had to move my mom after my dad died. If anyone EVER sees one of these, buy it for me will ya? I really want it. It brings back such sweet memories. UPDATE: I found one on Ebay, but it is out of my price range! WOW! Sure would love to have it though!
Yeah, I am sentimental.I keep things and crave those from my past. As we go through my yesterdays, you will see that I am a hopeless romantic person, and I was VERY shy. Yeah, some of you are laughing right about now, BUT if you knew me when I was a child and into my teen years..I WAS QUIET and SHY!  And even today I can revert to that time period and be shy. Oh well, what can I say? My daughter was exactly like me too...until she came out of her shell too! I don't think there is a shy,quiet bone in my son though! :) Time to throw in another picture or two.... yeah,last two tonight!

THIS is my absolute favorite picture of all time with my mom. Not sure of my age here..I'm thinking a year? or a bit more... HINT..always label your pictures on the back! who is them and the year..helps those of us later.
This one here shows how I loved the tree at an early age. My parents said I was around it and under it all the time! HAHA! All those sparkly lights and the beautiful ornaments..yep! I love Christmas! I used to lay under the tree, when I got older,in the dark with just the tree lights, and look up through the branches, dreaming. It always smelled so good. Those smells today of the live tree bring so many memories rushing back! And back then,these were the kind of lights we had on the tree...
the BIG ones! and these were put on last..the Icicles!
Mom always got onto me to hang them ONE at a I liked to bunch them together! Or worse, throw them onto the tree! I don't think they even make these anymore...people used to throw their trees out to the curb with them still on there..hazards for the wildlife they say.. That's all til tomorrow! Tracee

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ramblings... and rabbit trails...

Do you ever lay in bed and have thoughts go through your mind? I do..and they zoom through and around at 100 mph it seems!  AND I have gotten worse since I hit menopause! I have thought and planned this blog out for several days now. At night.... When my thoughts zoom and zoom, and go off on rabbit trails! I should have called this blog the "Rabbit Trails of my Mind"! HA! Anymore at night..right around 11pm or closer to midnight, that seems to be the time that my kids want to talk, or I should say, TEXT with me and I with them! I do enjoy our conversations. I know they are both busy during the day. My daughter works and is taking 16, or is it 15 Credit hours this semester in college? The most she has ever taken. The normal is 12 Credit hours. She also has an internship that she does at a local DSS office 2 days a week. Just this past week she finished up 3 different applications for Graduate school. I tried to help her get things typed up and formatted into PDF's. It was a lot of hard work and lots of hours but she did it! She has always taken any challenge thrown at her. She may get stressed but I think she handles it very well. My son is a hard worker too. He lives in the mountains, we jokingly call him Mountain Man! He does look like one with his thick beard that he grows for the harsh winter up there.He has a job that requires him to be out in the weather."Snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays..."..oh wait..that's the Postal Service Creed...anyway, you get the gist. See? I have rabbit trailed off my main goal! Onward we go!
Here is a picture of me from Nov-Dec 1964. I am eating a hotdog on bread! Haha. I think I grew up on those. I actually remember sitting in my highchair and getting hotdogs from my dad. Maybe that's all he could fix. :) My mom worked during the day and dad kept me. This is one of my earliest memories. That teddy bear in the chair with me..I still have it. I do not remember what I named him though. All my stuffed animals and dolls had names. Everyone had to have a name!
Here I am with my parents at Christmas 1964. I was a bit on the chunky side! LOL This is the way I like to remember my parents. Things happened through the years that will be written about later on that changed. But these are happy times!
This is Christmas morning. I remember getting the doll in yellow. See how we are dressed alike? :)  The doll in yellow is Posey. The green haired doll(I never have figured out why she was green) is Heidi. Yes, if you are wondering, I do still have both dolls! Heidi is in need of repair. She was filled with sawdust and she got a hole and lost a lot of her sawdust! Posey lost her hand. Posey's body is made of foam,and her feet,hands,and head were rubber. I should look them up and see what they are worth.You will find as we journey through my yesterdays that I am big into antiques. I love relics from the past! I am so in love with the past! The clock in the picture is a 1964 Fisher Price. Check out this video(click on the word) is my Clock.  
The stuffed Santa behind me was made by one of my Aunts, Nancy. I think she made a lot of those! There are very few of my childhood toys I got rid of. Some that I did, I regret it now and wish I had them back. I kept all my kids toys too. Only if they broke did I get rid of them. I know my son is like me in that. He doesn't want to get rid of anything!
Last picture for this posting! I have a book in my hand of the Night Before Christmas. My parents instilled reading into me at an early age. I loved books then and I do now! I love Christmas too. My mom used to decorate to the 9's for it! I think because she did, I fell in love with the lights and decorations so much. I absolutely love Christmas with all my heart!
That's all for today! See ya back tomorrow! Leave me comments if you would like!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Getting Started

Today,Feb 4th,2014,I aspire to start this blog. Only one way to start...the BEGINNING! As I state in my name,this is about all my yesterdays.My yesterdays start in 1963. On a cold July day...yes, I said cold!  MY parents said it was in the 50's on the 12th day when I was born! Maybe this is why I have a love of snow in me! Haha! Most of my close friends know I am a snow lover so I never really thought of it that way, because of the temps on the day I was born..Hummm..Interesting!
My mom holding me..August 1963.